029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

32nd Week in Ordinary Time: Wednesday



If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we can put an end to the exploitation of the weaker members of society so that every person can receive a just and fair reward for their labour ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we can recognise the true beauty of every man, woman and child created in the image and likeness of God and give them the respect that is their right ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we can bring about peace in our world, peace that can only be achieved if their is peace in our community, peace in our family, peace in the hearts of each one of us ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, the sick will be comforted and healed, they will be given the strength to carry the cross of their suffering, and those who have care of them will be true to their vocation ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, no-one will feel alone, abandoned, unwanted, unloved. All people will find a home within their community ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we will recognise that we do not own our world, we are merely stewards of God’s creation. We will exercise care and respect for the environment and for wildlife throughout the world ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we will give our children a world that is worthy of them, a world that will cherish them, help them to blossom and take their place in society ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, we will protect the very weakest members of society, the unborn and the elderly by realising that all human life is precious and must not be seen as an incovenience in any way ... help me dear Jesus.

If I can but touch the hem of his cloak, those who have gone before us will be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven where we all hope to reach the fulfilment of our humanity by sharing in the glory of God ... help me dear Jesus.

Other Prayers:

NOTES: ideally, the Gospel passage that this sequence of intercessions refers to (Mark 5:25-34) should be read out beforehand. If it is possible to provide the congregation with a copy of the intercessions, they should be invited to join in with the help me dear Jesus of each prayer.

Fr. Joe Breidenback I.C.

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