029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

6th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday

A Commentary on the Mass

Commentary Introduction

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you”.

Luke Chapter 22, Verse 20

Sea water carving a channel through rock.

Over the centuries different aspects of the Mass have been emphasised at different times. The aspect of sacrifice; the aspect of thanksgiving; the Real Presence; and even at times ceremonial splendour has been emphasised. If we go back to scripture though, the aspect that stands out is celebration of the Covenant. Our bond with God goes deeper than can be described and it cannot be broken. The Covenant is something we share with each other, something we celebrate when we gather together for Mass.

Next: The Introductory Rites

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