029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

6th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday

Links Section

World Website Links

If you have come across a good website that we haven’t yet listed, please let us know - either face-to-face or via e-mail:

Webmaster Deacon Mark

Various church websites around the world

  • www.vatican.va
    The Vatican - news, the liturgical year, Vatican secret archives, various useful documents.
  • www.rosminians.org.uk
    The Rosminians - links to details about the work of the institute, works of Antonio Rosmini.
  • www.cbcew.org.uk
    Catholic Church in England & Wales - news items, events, details of publications
  • www.catholicculture.org
    Catholic Culture News Headlines - US-based Catholic news site.
  • www.catholic.net
    Catholic.net - where the pope is, spiritual living, business and belief, good news.
  • www.russianorthodoxchurch.ws
    The Russian Orthodox Church - holy sites and icons, councils, articles and sermons.

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