029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

6th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday

Links Section

Organisation Website Links

If you have come across a good website that we haven’t yet listed, please let us know - either face-to-face or via e-mail:

Webmaster Deacon Mark

Links to various charitable organisations

  • lifecharity.org.uk
    Life - the UK pro-life charity. Message board, donations, care centres, educational services.
  • www.spuc.org.uk
    Society for the Protection of Unborn Children - lots of articles on the ethical issues of life.
  • cafod.org.uk
    Catholic Fund for Overseas Development - news and events, work, ways to get involved.
  • www.amnesty.org.uk
    Amnesty International - a voice for those who have none. News and events, taking action.
  • www.fairtrade.org.uk
    The Fairtrade Foundation - from basic facts to recipes, to details about individual goods.
  • paxchristi.org.uk
    Pax Christi - international Catholic Movement for Peace (British Section).
  • missio.org.uk
    Catholic Social Teaching - principles, themes, action.
  • www.cmq.org.uk
    Guild of Catholic Doctors - articles, previous editions of the Catholic Medical Quarterly.

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