029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

1st Week in Ordinary Time: Friday

Details Section

Groups in the Parish

Our parish is well-blessed for groups, and they take on many different kinds of tasks as well as providing friendship and support. Some of those groups are listed here.

Music Group (9.15am Sunday Mass)

Currently composed of cantor, electronic piano, guitar and (sometimes) violin, the Parish Music Group leads the music at 9.15 Mass each Sunday morning. Music played ranges from traditional hymns to the songs and chants of Taize and Iona and includes pieces by well known Catholic composers. The group combines with the parish choir for major celebrations.

If you are interested in joining us, or would just like to know a bit more, just come and introduce yourself to one of us after the 9.15 Mass - we’d actually be very pleased to meet you!

The Choir (11am Sunday Mass)

The choir leads the congregation in singing at 11am mass on Sundays. We are a small but enthusiastic group led by John, our choirmaster, and accompanied by Sheila, our organist. The choir sings a variety of old and new hymns together with musical settings of the mass.

The choir is always looking for new members. If you enjoy singing, why not come up to the choir loft and join us. You do not have to be able to read music (although if you can this is very useful). All we ask is that you can sing tunefully. We particularly need more male singers.

We look forward to meeting you!

Saint Vincent de Paul Group (SVP)

We have an active SVP group in our parish.

Parish Advisory Council

The Parish Council oversees all of our parish activities. Its members volunteer to serve for two years and meet every two months (on average). If you would like to make a suggestion for consideration by the Council please either speak to one of its members or use the suggestions box at the back of church. Alternatively, you might like to contact the Chair of the Council, Peter Marlow.

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