029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish


Album Section


Over the years people of the parish have generously contributed original poetry for us to include here. There is always room for more, of course, so if you write poetry and are willing to share it, please let us know - either face-to-face or via e-mail:

Webmaster Deacon Mark


Joy came down at X-mas
He was the longed-for X
And since that day all X-ians
At his name genuflect.
The shepherds knew he was the X
The angels told them so
They said he was the X-child
Foretold from long ago.

Now when a child is X-ened
Throughout all X-endom
His parents choose an X-ian name
By which he will be known.
The X-ian church has spread worldwide
But X-ianity
In Britain is not practised
As once it used to be.

Small wonder, when, at X-mas,
In case some take offence,
His name must not be mentioned.
It doesn’t make much sense
When even Father X-mas
Was once an X-ian priest
And X-mas is the perfect time
To celebrate and feast.

How dull would be December
Without an X-mas Day
No X-mas cards, no presents,
No X-mas holiday.
The stockings would be empty,
The cake remain uniced.
For X sake get the name right;
His name is JESUS CHRIST!

Eleanor Dent

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