029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

6th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday

Album Section


Over the years people of the parish have generously contributed original poetry for us to include here. There is always room for more, of course, so if you write poetry and are willing to share it, please let us know - either face-to-face or via e-mail:

Webmaster Deacon Mark

Icarus Falling

Horizons turn
and twisting seascapes leap:
thin air divides, wings burn
above frost-fractured peaks.

London, Rome and Athens sigh:
under their domes
pens plot the spiral path.

And in the east,
beyond the morning star,
the man-bird drifts
through gulls’ cries
down the margin of the world.

Brian Butler

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