029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

1st Week in Ordinary Time: Friday

Saint Joseph’s Church


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Quote of the Week

“Now, through the Church, the principalities and ruling forces learn how many-sided God’s wisdom is.”

Ephesians chapter 3, Verse 10 (NJB)

Masses & Services this Week

Saturday 11th of Jan: 9.15am
10-12: Adoration & Confessions
Vigil Mass 6.00pm
The Baptism of the Lord - 12th of Jan:
9.15am & 11.00am
Monday 13th of Jan:

Tuesday 14th of Jan:

Wednesday 15th of Jan: 7.00pm
Adoration & Rosary from 6.15pm
Thursday 16th of Jan:

Friday 17th of Jan:
Saturday 18th of Jan: 9.15am
10-12: Adoration & Confessions
Vigil Mass 6.00pm
2nd Sunday in Ord. Time - 19th of Jan:
9.15am & 11.00am

Livestream Masses at Saint Joseph’s

Reflecting on the Readings

Our weekly time of reflecting on the readings for the coming Sunday Mass. These sessions, which are led by Deacon Mark, have a very simple format allowing us to read, reflect on, and chat about each of the readings. The aims, too, are simple: to help us understand the readings better, to see how they relate the to reality of our daily lives, and to help us be better prepared for the Sunday Mass. Each session takes place in the Chapel on Thursday evening, begins at 7.30pm and lasts for about an hour and a quarter. If you would like to join us you will be most welcome.

For more about this week's meeting, see our Diary page: Saint Joseph's Diary

Parish Synod Report

There is still plenty to reflect on from our parish discussion for the Synod.

You can read the final report here: Synod Report (PDF)

Saturday Mornings

On Saturday mornings, following the 9.15am Mass, we will now have silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10.00am until 12 noon. The opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will also be available during that time. Feel free to drop in at any point for prayer, for confession or both.

Support Our Parish

If you would like to donate to the work and the upkeep of our parish, you can do so via our InvestMyCommunity page. It easily allows for Gift Aid (if you are a tax payer), and anything you are able to contribute will help our parish community to flourish.

Simply click/tap the following link:
Donate to our Parish (via mydona.com)

OR use the QR Code with your smartphone.