029 20 411 819
New Zealand Road, Cardiff, CF14 3BR

Saint Joseph’s R.C. Parish

6th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday

Album Section


Over the years people of the parish have generously contributed original poetry for us to include here. There is always room for more, of course, so if you write poetry and are willing to share it, please let us know - either face-to-face or via e-mail:

Webmaster Deacon Mark

Journey Of The Magi

I have long known of their journey
learned at my mother’s knee.
How the Magi travelled long and hard
To the land of Galilee
I never questioned why they went
on this journey so profound.
For I knew too of the Christ Child
who beneath a star they found.
Gold and Myrrh and Frankincense
These names through ages ring.
The gifts they brought the infant
as their homage to a king.
The prophecy of Seth had told
of a star so wondrous bright
to lead them to the Prince of Peace
across the eastern night.
Balthasar, Gasper and Melchior
The three Wisemen of old,
who did not betray the Son of God
so the story is still told.
Balthasar came from the East
Gasper from the West
And Melchior came from the south
all at the Star’s behest.
Some say it’s just a legend
I believe that it took place,
yet that really doesn’t matter
for the story holds this grace.
That everyone has such a star
and they follow where it leads
To find their own small stable
Away from cruelty and greed
or in a quest to find some answers
in hard journeys for some proof
by sacrificing everything
Enduring all to gain the truth
and the journeys always different
for some it’s Pole to Pole
for others it’s much longer
’til they reach their own life goal.
It’s a journey that we all must make
to find that place of peace
or throw off our pain and sorrow
and know the joy of that release.
Or in the footsteps of the Magi
To find, just as they told,
the stable and the Christ Child
and the flame which lights the soul.

Bill Mitton
(Saint Bernard’s Parish, Burnage, Manchester)

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